Puppet Hunt: Still Ahead of Its Time
The radio program, Puppet Hunt aired from 1946-1952 and was consistently ranked the 2nd most popular live radio crime puppet noir in the Pacific Northwest radio market. Set in the bustling fishing and entertainment town of Large Neck, partners in crime solving, Rock Handy and Nicolio “Nix” Salmon find themselves thrust ankle deep in mystery every Sunday night. Even though Puppet Hunt seems to be an artifact of the 1940's, we argue that it’s ahead of its time for having a combination of elements like no other that address societal issues relevant even in these modern times. Each week our deducting duo is confronted with all manner of puppet related crimes. Mysterious puppetnappings, embezzlements, the flaunting of local ordinances, and yes, even murders are all expertly unpacked by Rock Handy P.P.I. and his trusty partner/ male secretary Nix.
From left to right: Carl Frawltie (NIX) and Lana Chowder (Dr. Gladys Casings) from the 1952 recording session for the animated cartoon, "Puppet Hunt"
Lana Chowder - Personal Collection
From left to right: Mort Campion as Chief Blonson Williams, Lester Globes as Rock Handy, and Mary Polaski as Tina Plotkin. Believed to be from the 1948 live broadcast of Puppet Hunt, Episode 3, Season 3 “The Phantom Puppet”
(may possibly be Leroy Shoean or Schoon and contestants from the radio quiz show Puppet Hint.)
KNK Radio - Wenatchee
Jimmy Valance (right) played Buddy Boseman from 1946 to 1953
Puppet Theatre of America Archives